Tuesday, March 27, 2012

20 lbs lighter!

Finally...I have reached the 20 lb mark in my weight loss journey!

Things that have changed along with my weight:

My grocery shopping list- I now make sure that I don't go to the grocery store hungry, I make sure I have a menu for the 2 weeks I am shopping for, and I also have a list. 
If I go to the grocery store hungry not only am I more likely to buy too much of something, junk food, or  something I might not want later but I am also way more likely to grab a Coke Zero and a snack at the check out. 
I also try to plan out a 2 week menu before I leave the house. I do "Shopping Sunday" every other Sunday afternoon. In this one trip I try to buy everything we will need for 2 weeks worth of meals. If we run out of a necessity like milk or bread, then one of us can pick it up on the way home from work; if we run out of something else we just have to suck it up and wait until the next shopping Sunday. This has not only helped us eat healthier but has also helped our bank account! We were the world's worst about running to the store every other night to grab something for dinner...and of course while we were there we would be buying other things we didn't need...and wasting gas by driving to the store so often! 
I am an avid grocery list checker offer! I have a routine at the grocery store...I start at the pet supplies every trip and end at the produce section. Even though my shopping routine is down to a science I still have my list and pen in hand. This helps me make sure that I am not buying anything we don't need and not forgetting to buy anything that we do need.

My thought process when I am preparing meals- I don't constantly snack while cooking. If I feel hungry before I start cooking I'll have an apple or another low point snack. This way I don't feel the urge or necessity to snack or keep tasting the food I am preparing. 
I also have a pretty consistent menu for my lunch. I pack my lunch everyday, this keeps me from eating snacks at work or buying lunch from the cafeteria. I am pretty picky, predictable, and boring with my foods...so everyday I have some sort of sandwich or wrap, a string cheese, an apple or other piece of fruit, and a Greek yogurt. By planning my lunches I keeps me on track and I wont be shocked at the end of the day when I track all my points. 
We do still eat out at least once a week...and although I try to make wise decisions at restaurants I am sometimes shocked when I later look up the nutritional information. But instead of stressing about the one meal I just choose to use it as a learning experience and use less points in other meals or snacks that day.

My feelings about exercising- Ok, so maybe my feelings haven't changed too much. I still don't like to exercise or work out but I know I need to do it to reach my weight loss goals, to get healthier, and to live a healthier life. On average I go to the gym about 2 days a week and exercise for a little over an hour, including warm ups and cool downs. I am still working in some of the weight routines John has shown me. I am not as confident when it comes to these...I know this is something I just need to get in there and do in order to become confident and comfortable.

Although my ultimate weight loss goal is weigh more than 20 lbs...I am excited that I am making progress and I am celebrating my small victories! Thank you to everyone who has been kind and encouraging on this journey...especially my husband! I love you!

P. S. I got new gym shoes!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Happy Spring Weekend!

Happy First Weekend of Spring!

It's been a beautiful week (despite the rain) and I'm so exited that Spring has sprung!

5 days until spring break! 45 (school) days until summer break!
 So happy about this but not so happy about starting the search for a summer job. I don't mind working I just really really don't want to work nights and weekends! Do any of you know of anywhere cool that I might be able to work this summer?

I don't have much to write about today...I think I'm still half asleep.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Fever?

Let me start by saying...

I am so ready for summer, but I'll take spring! 6 days until the first day of spring...even though Tastee Freeze is already open and announcing that spring has arrived! The weather here is beautiful today...but lots of people are convinced that a blizzard is on the way...after all 19 years ago today the Blizzard of 93 struck! Who knows? But for now I'm happy with 72 and sunny!

Next up, I have to say that I am oh so very proud of my wonderful husband...most of you know that he will be finishing up his masters in emergency management in December of this year...that in itself is wonderful...I really admire his passion for learning...at this point...thinking about getting my masters makes me want to throw up! Anyway, John is doing so well, he has made A's in all of his classes and several of his professors have recommended that he try and get some of his papers published...I think it's a wonderful idea!

In other news...I am almost to the 20 lb weight loss mark! On October 11 I started Weight Watchers...although it has taken a while the weight is slowly coming off. I know that if I really stick to the program and do what I need to do that I can continue to lose weight and will e v e n t u a l l y reach my goal! 

One small complaint...my doctor's office takes a lunch from like 12-2 and doesn't see patients on Fridays. I think that is a nice schedule...I myself would LOVE to have a lunch break and a three day weekend! But it makes it really hard to get a doctors appointment...I've been sick with a sore throat (redness, and swelling, and blisters, oh my!) and an ear-ache ( I forgot how bad those hurt) since Friday night...and can't get an appointment outside of my work hours!

I guess that is all for today...I need to cook dinner and clean this house!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Let's try this again!

I've tried blogging before and after about a month I just kinda stopped doing it. I wanted to have a blog about planning my wedding, but at that time I was working full time during the day, going to school full time at night, and planning a wedding full time all the time. So I shouldn't have been surprised when at the end of the day I just didn't have any time left to blog.

Not that things are any less hectic now...my husband is finishing grad school in December (I'm so proud of him!), I'm a first year teacher (53 days of school left, I'm so proud of me!), we are in the process of buying our first house, we coach Special Olympics Powerlifting, I'm trying to get healthier by going to the gym and eating better (I started Weight Watchers in November), and John is in the gym about 4 days a week, and then there are those pesky household chores that just have to be done!

But believe me...I'm not complaining! I am so very thankful that we are able to stay as busy as we are. John and I dated 5 years before we got married and we are just so happy to be living in the same house now that we are married! We have been blessed with a wonderful relationship, wonderful families, the opportunities to go to school and further our education, and this past summer God sent a teaching job my way. Even though things seem crazy sometimes I wouldn't change a thing. 

So anyway, my hopes with this blog are to be able share and reflect on all the great things in our lives. I'm really into Pinterest (ShOcKeR, I know!) and finding great teacher resources and trying new recipes. So hopefully I will be a resource to some of you. I will also (hopefully) use this to document my progress in my weight loss journey as well as keep everyone updated on the process of buying and decorating our new house! 

I'll leave you with one of my favorite pictures from our wedding! I got this on a 16x20 canvas and I can't wait to hang it in our new house!