Sunday, March 11, 2012

Let's try this again!

I've tried blogging before and after about a month I just kinda stopped doing it. I wanted to have a blog about planning my wedding, but at that time I was working full time during the day, going to school full time at night, and planning a wedding full time all the time. So I shouldn't have been surprised when at the end of the day I just didn't have any time left to blog.

Not that things are any less hectic husband is finishing grad school in December (I'm so proud of him!), I'm a first year teacher (53 days of school left, I'm so proud of me!), we are in the process of buying our first house, we coach Special Olympics Powerlifting, I'm trying to get healthier by going to the gym and eating better (I started Weight Watchers in November), and John is in the gym about 4 days a week, and then there are those pesky household chores that just have to be done!

But believe me...I'm not complaining! I am so very thankful that we are able to stay as busy as we are. John and I dated 5 years before we got married and we are just so happy to be living in the same house now that we are married! We have been blessed with a wonderful relationship, wonderful families, the opportunities to go to school and further our education, and this past summer God sent a teaching job my way. Even though things seem crazy sometimes I wouldn't change a thing. 

So anyway, my hopes with this blog are to be able share and reflect on all the great things in our lives. I'm really into Pinterest (ShOcKeR, I know!) and finding great teacher resources and trying new recipes. So hopefully I will be a resource to some of you. I will also (hopefully) use this to document my progress in my weight loss journey as well as keep everyone updated on the process of buying and decorating our new house! 

I'll leave you with one of my favorite pictures from our wedding! I got this on a 16x20 canvas and I can't wait to hang it in our new house!

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