Sunday, July 1, 2012

Are You Ready for Some Football?


Last night was the long awaited Erwin-Enka Alumni Football Game!

It was a really great game and the guys had a great time!
It was fun watching John {my husband} play. He played in both high school and some of college but since I was only a baby back then and I didn't know him...
So, yeah. It was fun to be a part of this 

Things I learned at the game:
  1.  After a touchdown, the team that scored the touchdown can either A. try and kick the ball through the goal posts to get 1 more point. or B. try to get the ball back into the end zone in one play by running or passing. Erwin did that.
Me: So that was a touchdown right?
My Brother: Yes.
Me: So now what happens? Are they going to kick it:? Wait! They aren't kicking it! What are they doing?! Why aren't they kicking it?!? {lots of cheering and standing up}
My Brother: Because they have the opportunity to...
Me: What?
My Brother: To do that, right there!
{And the crowd goes wild and they score 2 more points}
Then he thoroughly explained the play.
Thanks for the education, Little Brother. 
2. Bojangles assumes everyone likes sweet tea.
It's the only beverage they have at these games.
Assumption Wrong.
3. Enka now has their own Football Stadium at the high school.
When I was in school it was at the middle school.
4. Bleachers are more uncomfortable now than when I was in high school.
5. Kids still make-out under said bleachers.
6. Enka and Erwin are still both really redneck. 
{I knew this before last night...I'm just reaffirming}
7. When grown men play full contact football for their old High School...they have a lot of fun and look realllllly tired.

8. My husband likes to knock people down.
And he is really good at it.
And everyone could tell.

9. My husband looks good in all that football garb.

10. Football is a lot more fun when I get to watch my husband play!

Here are some pictures.
 Love him.

 Hollifield #73!
Before the game.
Before the game.
 Before the game.

During halftime.

 During halftime.

I <3 J. Hollifield

After the game.

 After the game.

 After the game.

Today I am starting the July Instagram Photo Challenge, Project Zero {101 things in 1001 days}, and the 31 Day Blog Challenge!

So check it out and feel free to steal these ideas to add some creativity to life.
I did!

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