Friday, June 29, 2012

Hotdogs, a job, and lots of new things!

Yesterday we went to a hotdog eating contest to raise publicity for the upcoming Erwin-Enka Alumni Football game. 
You should come.
It's tomorrow.
At 7pm.

John ate like 8 hotdogs, one guy was eating 2 at a time. 
I threw up a little.

Those of you who know me know that I hate a hotdog! Even the smell of a hotdog  makes me sick to my stomach. 
So you can imagine how sick I felt while watching about 12 grown men scarfing down 2 hotdogs at a time while dipping the buns in water to make them softer/soggy.

I'm gagging just thinking about it.


 Something that doesn't make me wanna gag is the fact that I finally got a part time job! 
 White House Black Market

I worked there and helped set up the store before/when they first opened a couple of years ago in Biltmore Village and I'm excited to be back.

And even more excited about the discount.

So to celebrate I bought some new clothes...
because we can only wear black and white and any other of the featured colors. 


I got this stuff...

Super cute braided rope sandals. I wanted them in every color...but resisted and only got black.

And this can't see it well in the picture but it has a cute key hole in the back.

And these great skirts! I've wanted them for a while and finally had a great excuse to buy them!

I <3 target.

And while writing this my new sunglasses came in the mail.

They are purple and super great!

{Disregard the crazy hair}

and this came...

it's a broom groomer!

And also the new mattress set that John ordered for us came too.
I'll post pictures tomorrow.

Don't forget to come to the football game tomorrow!

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